Welcome to Launceston VFC Services

Volunteers supporting the local community.
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Volunteers Helping the Community

Transport - Lawn Mowing - Social Support

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Transport - Lawn Mowing - Social Support

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Supporting the community since 1976

Helping maintain your independence

How to get in touch with our team

Welcome to Launceston VFC Services

Offering assistance with shopping, social support, transport, lawn mowing and respite to eligible clients.

Our Services

Launceston VFC Services Inc. provide support services to those people in the community who are frail, aged, younger with disabilities and their carers. Services are provided by volunteers with appropriate skills.

Services may include:

  • Assistance with shopping
  • Social support
  • Transport to and from business and social appointments
  • Lawn mowing
  • Befriending

Who do we assist?

Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home and Community Care Program (HACC) target groups with health and wellbeing, lifestyle and support to live independently in the community.

We offer assistance to the following clients:

  • Older and frail people
  • Younger people with disabilities
  • Their carers

Our Mission

To contribute to a healthy and connected community by being responsive to changing needs.